View Full Version : Zakah on Cattle and Other Animals

CaLmInG MeLoDy
09-21-2014, 10:11 AM
Conditions of Zakah on Cattle

There are some conditions that Zakah on cattle is not due unless all of them are realized. These conditions were laid down with the aim of easing restrictions on the owner, so that he gives Zakah willingly. Thus, Zakah achieves the noble aims for which it is ordained. These conditions are:

1. Reaching the Nisab
The minimum amount (Nisab) of camels counted for Zakah is five camels. While no Zakah is due on less than forty sheep, the minimum amount of cows counted for Zakah is thirty.

2. The lapse of a full year
This implies that Zakah is not due unless the property remains in the possession of its owner for a full year right from the day it reaches the minimum amount counted for Zakah. This is confirmed by the Prophet's hadith in which he maintained, ''Zakah is not due on a property unless after the lapse of a full year.''
In case the cattle bear offspring during the year, the value of the offspring is to be added to the total value of cattle. If the possession is interrupted during the year due to selling cattle or bartering them, a new year is to be calculated from the day in which the cattle are sold or bartered, provided that the owner did not do that with the intention of evading the payment of Zakah.

3. Cattle should not be exploited in cultivation
Cattle exploited in cultivation are not counted for Zakah. This is confirmed by the Prophet's saying, ''Nothing is due on the cattle used in cultivation.''

The Percentage and Amount of Zakah

Zakah on camels
The Nisab and amounts of Zakah due on camels are illustrated as follows:

No. of Camels

The amount of Zakah due

From 1 To 4

No Zakah is due

From 5 To 5

One sheep

From 10 To 14

Two sheep

From 15 To 19

Three sheep

From 20 To 24

Four sheep

While there is Zakah due on camels numbering from 1 to 24, giving some of them as Zakah may affect the payer negatively, so giving sheep as Zakah is made as compromise.

No. of Camels

The amount of Zakah due

From 25 To 35
A she-camel between 1 and 2 years

From 36 To 45
A she-camel between 2 and 3 years

From 46 To 60
A she-camel between 3 and 4 years

From 61 To 75
A she-camel between 4 and 5 years

From 76 To 90
Two she-camels between 2 and 3 years

From 91 To 120
Two she-camels between 3 and 4 years

From 121 To 129
Three she-camels between 2 and 3 years

From 130 To 139
A she-camel between 3 and 4 years and two she-camels between 2 and 3 years

From 140 To 149
Two she-camels between 3 and 4 years and a she-camel between 2 and 3 years

From 150 To 159
Three she-camels between 3 and 4 years

From 160 To 169
Four she-camels between 2 and 3 years

From 170 To 179
Three she-camels between 2 and 3 years and a she-camel between 3 and 4 years

From 180 To 189
Two she-camels between 2 and 3 years and two she-camels between 3 and 4 years

From 190 To 199
Three she-camels between 3 and 4 years and a she-camel between 2 and 3 years

From 200 To 209
Four she-camels between 3 and 4 years or five she-camels between 2 and 3 years

Any increase beside the above-mentioned amounts is to be calculated as follows:

1. On every increment of 40 camels, a she-camel between 2 and 3 years is due as Zakah.

2. On every increment of 50 camels, a she-camel between 3 and 4 years is due as Zakah.

Zakah on cows

The Nisab and amounts of Zakah due on cows are illustrated as follows:

No. of Cows

The amount of Zakah due

From 1 To 29

No Zakah is due

From 30 To 39

A one year old bull

From 40 To 59

A two year old cow

From 60 To 69

Two cows or bulls aging 1 year

From 70 To 79

A cow aging 2 years and a bull aging 1 year

From 80 To 89

Two cows aging 2 years

From 90 To 99

Three cows aging aging 1 year

From 100 To 109

A cow aging 2 years and 2 bulls aging 1 year

From 110 To 119

Two cows aging 2 years and a bull aging 1 year

From 120 To 129

Three cows aging 2 years or four bulls aging 1 year

Any increase beside the above-mentioned amounts is to be calculated as follows:
- On every increment of 30 cows, a cow or bull aging 1 year is due as Zakah.
- On every increment of 40 cows, a cow aging 2 years is due as Zakah.

Zakah on sheep

The Nisab and amounts of Zakah due on sheep are illustrated as follows:

No. of Sheep

The amount of Zakah due

From 1 To 39

No Zakah is due

From 40 To 120

A ewe

From 121 To 200

2 ewes

From 201 To 399

3 ewes

From 400 To 499

4 ewes

From 500 To 599

5 ewes

- On every increment of 100 sheep, a ewe is due as Zakah.

Cattle Raised for Trade

The cattle raised for trade will be treated exactly as the commercial commodities; Zakah on them will be calculated on the basis of their value not number. Therefore, Zakah falls due on the cattle if their value reaches the minimum amount of money liable to the payment of Zakah (a value equal to 85 grams of pure gold). In this case, the cattle owner should add it to what he possesses of money and commercial commodities and pay 2.5 % as Zakah on it provided that it meets the conditions of the obligation to pay Zakah on commodities.
However, in case the value of cattle does not reach the minimum amount counted for Zakah when estimated as commercial commodities, but do reach it when estimated on the basis of their number, the numerical method explained earlier is to be applied.

09-21-2014, 06:08 PM
V good bitya