View Full Version : ARABIAN RICE by FARAH

CaLmInG MeLoDy
08-31-2014, 06:15 PM
https://scontent-b-kul.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1560554_272643979610373_3996151769541511329_n.jpg? oh=3f95d324d4e420176dd3616dcdf83c46&oe=5472289E
If you want to try a different way to cook rice then make sure you cook this wonderful nutty Arabic dish great for entertaining.

Chicken drumsticks 1 kg
Rice soak in water
Aubergines(brinjals) 1/2 kg
Black pepper 2-1/2 tbsp
Turmeric 3/4 tbsp
Peanuts, Walnuts handfull
Salt as required

Cooking Directions

Boil drumsticks in salt, strain the chicken and put stock a side.
Cut aubergines in slices and fry.
In chicken stock put black pepper and turmeric and salt.
In a deep pan put a layer of fried aubergines slices and a layer of soaked rice then pour chicken stock cover lid and cook.
In a frying pan shallow fry boiled drumsticks till golden.
Fry walnuts and peanuts.
Turn the dish out upside down and arrange chicken on top and sprinkle fried nuts.

09-01-2014, 05:54 PM