View Full Version : Family Salticidae (Jumping Spiders)

Arosa Hya
08-10-2016, 11:50 PM

http://bugguide.net/images/cache/80J/Q70/80JQ703Q20BRKQWRFKURYKBR7QH0W0ORKQZ0I01RLQUR0QL0N0 CR90L00QJRMQS0QQWRQQ3RN0JQHQ3RIQORKQWRJK.jpg

Identification Characters:

1. Tibia and meta-tarsus 1 & 2 without pro-lateral row of spines.
2. Sternum not wider than long, Posterior coxae not widely separated.
3. Posterior spinnerets present, not shorter than anterior.
4. Posterior spinnerets shorter and thick.
5. Anal Tubercle small, not fringed, ocular group not compact.
6. Tarsi of the usual type, Labium longer than wide, legs not very long.
7. With 8 Eyes.
8. Anterior row with 4 eyes.
9. Tarsi with 2 Claws with claw tufts.
10. Tarsal claws with usual teeth.
11. Eyes in 3 rows.
12. Eyes in 3 rows.
13. Front row of eyes more or less situated vertically; median eyes enormously large, second row of 2 eyes usually very small, often minute, third row of 2 eyes of medium size.

11-07-2017, 01:35 PM
Wah wah