View Full Version : Multiple alleles

Arosa Hya
08-07-2015, 12:16 AM
Multiple alleles is a type of non-Mendelian inheritance pattern (http://www.urdutehzeb.com/od/Microevolution/tp/Non-Mendelian-Inheritance-Patterns.htm) that involves more than just the typical two alleles (http://biology.about.com/od/geneticsglossary/g/alleles.htm) that usually code for a certain characteristic in a species. With multiple alleles, that means there is more than two phenotypes (http://surgery.about.com/od/questionsanswers/f/What-Is-A-Universal-Recipient.htm) available depending on the dominant or recessive alleles that are available in the trait and the dominance pattern (http://animals.about.com/od/d/g/dominant.htm) the individual alleles follow when combined together.