View Full Version : Tourist Visa in Quebec

12-30-2014, 06:38 PM
To visit Quebec as a tourist, you have to respect some procedures. On this article, you will find information which will guide you through your application for a tourist visa.

Each year more than 35 million people visit Canada. You can also visit Canada as a tourist and enjoy the numerous opportunities that the country has to offer, including visits to family and friends. You can also make business trips to Canada to look for new opportunities for investment or to strengthen existing business relationships. But first of all, you will have to determine your eligibility.

Applying for a visa
Depending on your country of residence, you will have to meet some basic requirements in order to visit Canada. You must determine whether you need a visa to enter Canada before applying. In case you do not need it, you must still meet some specific conditions. If you are already in Canada with a work or study permit, or as a temporary resident, you can apply for a tourist visa before you leave to be able to come back.

Your arrival
Most visitors visa applications are processed within a few weeks. The period, however, varies among visa offices. You will then have to seek information about the different steps to follow. You should know what to expect at your arrival in Canada. You will be welcomed by an officer of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). This institution is responsible for protecting the borders and the entry points to Canada. You will find more information on the CBSA website.

You will need to produce your passport or travel documents to the officer. If you ask for a Super Visa for parents and grandparents, you will have to submit additional documents to the agent. You must have them with you on your arrival: you should then no keep them in your suitcase. The officer will then ask you a few questions even if you do not need a visa to enter Canada. These questions are aimed at making sure that you meet the entry requirements to Quebec. The procedures should only take a few minutes.

If your entry is denied, it means that you have provided false or incomplete information, or maybe the agent is not convinced that you have the right to enter the country. You must therefore convince him that you will leave Canada at the end of your authorized stay.

Immigration procedures
The provincial government of Quebec will never ask you to deposit money into a personal bank account or to transfer money through a specific company. In some cases, an immigration officer at an entry point may ask you to pay a deposit in the form of cash to make sure you meet the required conditions during your visit to Canada. You will deposit a sum of money determined by the agent taking into account the amount of your financial resources and other criteria set out in the Regulations of the Immigration and Refugee Protection.

Children under 18 must be in possession of a valid identity document. If you are traveling with a child of whom you are neither the parent nor the guardian, you must have a letter of authorization from the parent or guardian of the child. If you are the sole guardian of the child, you need to have in hand the documents showing that he has no other guardian. The officer will stamp your passport and tell you how long you are allowed to stay in Canada. The usual period is six months.

Limitations of stay
In some cases, the agent can limit the duration of your stay so that it only covers the main purpose of your visit. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you have any doubt. If you do not meet the conditions of your visa, the local authorities may ask you to leave the country. However, those who are asked to leave Canada are entitled to a fair hearing in order to review the decision.

Extend your stay
If you want to extend your stay, you must apply for an extension of your visa at least 30 days before the expiration of your temporary resident status. Parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents with a Super Visa for Parents and Grand Parents can stay in Quebec for a period of two years without having to renew their status.

Useful link:

Visit Canada as a tourist http://www.cic.gc.ca

12-30-2014, 07:17 PM
Nice Sharing