View Full Version : Html Bascis Lesson 1

Forum Guru
11-26-2014, 05:25 PM
This tutorial is about HTML Basics. I already tell you about the basics of HTML. And Now I am going to teach you more basics element of HTML. It will be helpful to create an impressive look of your website. In this tutorial I will tell you about HTML Basics in which we will discuss following topics: HTML Formatting, HTML Comments, HTML Links in Detail, HTML Head. I teach you already about HTML links but in this tutorial you will learn that how we can use links on our website. Ideas will depend on you. My work teaches you Web Development. Ideas will create yourself. No one will give his idea to make website. He just help you in code which you will ask. Because Ideas have a lot of importance. Now I want to begin this tutorial because this tutorial will go long.

HTML Formatting

In HTML Formatting you will learn that how you can make text italic, bold, underline, subscript and superscript. These tags easy to use. You can easily remember these tags. But remember that you will write your code in body. When you should write your code in head tags then I will use head tags. Otherwise I will don’t put any tag / I will use body tags. Other basics tags like html, title, head and body you will use. In every document there must be one html, head, title and body tag. Other tags you can use according to your requirements. How you can use HTML Formatting see below code.


<b>This Text Will be Bold</b>

<strong>This Text Will be Strong</strong>

<i>This Text Will be Italic</i>

<u>This Text Will be Underline</u>

<code>This Text Will be like a Computer Output</code>

<p>This is <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>.</p>

You can also use <em> tag for italic format. And <strong> tag use as <b> tag. You will see after running above code. There are a lot of other tags. You must use close/end tags. In end tags ‘/’ will use before the name of tag. You can see below a list of tags which you can use in HTML Text Formatting. Mean that you can give different style to your text through these tags. Tags are written in bold text while description is written in blue colour.

<b> – Bold Text

<em> – Emphasized Text

<i> – Italic Text

<small> – Smaller Text

<strong> – Important Text

<sub> – Subscripted Text

<ins> – Inserted Text

<del> – Deleted Text

<mark> – Marked/Highlighted Text

There are more tags which I will discuss later. Because I want to share only HTML Basics here. Later I will tell you how you can use them. And where you should use these tags.

HTML Comments

You can also give comments into your HTML document. Remember one thing that comments help you to remind you that what you have done in your document. A professional Web developer makes habit to put comment in his code. So that other people can also understand your code easily. A programmer & web developer should comment his code. How you can put comment. Start your comment through this “<!–” code. Don’t put double quotes. And right your comment. After that you need to close your comment through this “–>”. Below you can see an example.

<!– This is a comment in HTML Document –>
Your comment will not show on your webpage. It will show in source code.


Here I want to share about HTML head in detail with you. So that you can understand the importance of head into your website. You have need to know about the working of head tags into your document. Why is it important. If you want to include files into your document like styles & javascript files then you will give link in head. And you must have write a title and use meta tags to improve your website SEO. What is SEO? You can read it in SEO Tutorial Section. There you can get better guideline. If you want to use style tag then you need to put your styles tag in head section. Later I will discuss about Meta Tags that how you can use them. It’s important to make better of your website SEO. And I will tell you about icon that you can put with your title.

HTML Links

Now I will discuss in details HTML Links. Some time there are a lot of paragraph on a web page and you want to specify that a user can jump on a particular place. Where he can get information relates to him. How you will do this. Mean you don’t need to scroll the page. Just click on Link and reaches at your destination. You can see below code.

<a href=”#id_name”>Some Text For Links Related to Paragraph</a>

Write Some Paragraph in <p></p> tags so that scroll comes. After that Write

<a id=”id_name”>Some Text/Heading OF Paragraph</a>

Write Some Text related to topic.
After writing code you will see that when you will click on link it will automatically scroll comes down and your text will come on which you wants to jump. You can also create links from other pages. You can use your own logic. If you can’t do this then ask me friendly. I will tell you.

I’m already tell you about HTML Links in my last tutorial. But you will see that When you create link through that way and Click on Link it will open in same window. While on most of the website you will see that links open in new tabs. You can do this by simple code. Like if you want to put Google links in your website and open it into new tab. Write Below code :

<a href=”http://www.google.com” target=”_blank”>Visit Google</a>
When you will set target=”_blank” it means that you are going to open link on a blank page. Thus your browser will open that link in new tab. It’s very simple to make. Just you have need to make practice of these code. You can also use Links on Images. Simple But you need to use your mind. If I put a link then I will use text. But When I want to use link on image then I will put img tag replacing text. You can see below code to perform this action.

<a href=”http://www.google.com” target=”_blank”><img src=”google_image.jpg”></a>

If you have a jpeg image then you will use this. If you have any other format image then you will write that format replacing jpg. These are the HTML Basics. Soon you will learn more about HTML Basics. Because there are some more tags that you should now. And Some concept that should be clear. It all comes in HTML Basics.

If you have any problem in this tutorial then you can ask. We will provide our guidelines to you. So that you can learn in a better way. Soon I will attach videos with all tutorials. Keep Visiting my Website For Latest Updates.

11-11-2017, 03:35 PM